Never been a better time for cashless, for renovating the banking
March 2017
Sahara Bank, one of the ten major banks under the control of Central Bank of Libya, which has a network of 48 branches country-wide and 1,500 staff. was facing one of the biggest challenges since it was established in 1964, that is after France's BNP pulled out of the operations of the bank in the aftermath of the revolutions in Libya.
At 2016 The Bank was not only asked to replace vital parts of the IT infrastructure that was running and operating by the BNP group within a short period of time but also to replace their legacy Core Banking systems, in order to catch with the wave of the future of Electronic banking, all together while keeping the customer and employees experience intact.
Ocean Technology has been working with Sahara Bank since then to Deliver a bold, unique, and game-changing solutions, giving clients more visibility with a killer experience, better digital tools and simple, convenient service Solutions that can constantly evolve to deliver big results.
Together with our Partners we’ve lead Sahara through several system Migrations that involved:
Consolidating Data Center Resources through implementing Flexpod PODs to host the new Temenos T24 solutions and later all the infrastructure services.
Increase reliability, speed, performance of the Bank’s wide area network, by implementing a countrywide Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) that spans their entire regions and includes all their branches, replacing the traditional Point to Point Network.
Secure and improve all types of networked applications while meeting customer demand for increased channel access and time to market while increasing security on both internal and public facing Applications.

Though out those system Migrations and project stages, we’ve share that same attitude of Sahara bank’s IT decision Makers ,that is to never settle for good enough when it comes to Network and Information security and the understanding that there isn't very much room to maneuver or modify what needs to be done when it comes to providing protection of both customer/member/Partners data and the institutions assets.
Ocean Technology Help Easing Isolation For Those Who Work Far From Home...
April 2016
Mabrook oil operation approached us for a wireless internet solution that would mitigate effects of both the physical and psychological isolation their employees may experience while rotating on their field offshore field situated 150 km from Tripoli names Al Jurf.
When Aljurf Wi-Fi becomes active, it didn’t only give a great relief and improves the quality of life of the Aljurf crew and on workers on board. But also, gave relief to Almabrook Network Administrators primarily as the technology Ocean Technology had setup was robust enough to manage the numbers of users without compromise. With access points placed strategically around their Platform, what’s more, they could support and maintain the system remotely without worrying about ongoing issues that may occur with crew access.
Working on an oil rig in the Mediterranean Sea or a desert site in southern Libya often means long periods of separation from loved ones, friends and off-the-job interests.
though stepping onto the platform in the middle of the sea is all about facing new challenges and experiencing an extraordinary environment, the unconventional work schedules of remote site employees – also known as “rotations” - require extended periods of absence from home that can put a strain on work/life balance.
Furthermore, being separated from family and friends for long periods of time can lead remote site workers to feel is isolated and disconnected, which in turn can diminish their awareness of and attitude to risk on the job.
This is where Almabook Oil Operation and Ocean Technology core interests as socially aware companies who Focus on Improving Lives and Their Businesses at the Same Time has intersected.

We build bridges between business and IT...
August 2016
As part of the Libyan Local Investment & Development Fund’s business transformation, LLIDF worked closely with Ocean Technology Account Managers and Premier Support engineers to pair their business plans and challenges with their IT investments.
So while one of the largest investment funds in Libya were focusing on generating a sustainable financial return and tangible socio-economic development, through investments in key infrastructure and industry sectors throughout the country.
Ocean Technology was utilizing the knowledge it gained from the wide-ranging delivery projects countrywide, to inspire LLIDF to get the most benefit from their IT infrastructure, LLIDF continues to receive unparalleled expertise, accelerated support, and strategic advice tailored to their unique IT environment through the consultancy agreement with Ocean Technology.
If you are ahead of implementing technological changes and looking for advises to improve the efficiency of your business., drive revenue, grow market share, increase speed to market and improve customer satisfaction, we will be more than ready to familiarize you with the benefits of implementing those technologies and help you to promote your core Business ideas.

Ocean Technology helped bringing better, faster and cheaper INTERNET CLOSER TO MARKET
November 2015
It was well known for the Libyan telecom sectors' think tanks that Investing in broadband is investing in your community's economic future ,thus as a part of Next Generation Broadband Network program that is sponsored by the ministry of communication, the Libyan International Telecom Company has contracted with Libyan Italian Company for Digital and Infrastructure Engineering, on the execution of International Internet Gate project, which would eventually provide more fixable internet capacities for the Libyan markets, by increasing the abilities and capacities of international cables .
The project contract has been signed on 06/11/2013, which total price reaches about Euros three million, by board member from LITC, LIDA, Ministry of Communications and Informatics, and the Post, Telecommunications and Information Technology Libyan Holding Company the manager of the Italian company, and was supposed to be executed in the next year, yet due to the unstable situation on the capital city that year the project was put into withhold.
It was until Ocean Technology teamed with LIDIA and Italtel, to crack the hurdles this year, by providing its’ talented local expertise, whom in a very short timeframe, could deploy, install and commission the related cutting-edge technologies which comprise the IIGW core network in LITC’s major western pop locations.
Ocean Technology was never more proud to have had participated with teams and partners of such caliber in the implementation of one of the most important long-term infrastructure initiatives generating enormous opportunity for public and private investment in the last mile, which will firmly generate more wholesale agreements with partners and companies that are driving the high-speed Internet service deeper into communities.

Join the Cloud Networking Revolution with Cisco Meraki
January 2015
Ocean Technology is pleased to announce our recently secured partnership with Cisco Meraki!
For many years (before Cisco’s acquisition of Meraki in December 2012) Meraki have pioneered in what is now known as ‘Cloud Networking’. Cloud Networking provides a refreshing and simple approach to wireless, switching, and security implementations, whereby control management software lives in the cloud, not on the box. Providing brand new capabilities for visibility, control, management, and performance.
Meraki was built from the ground up for cloud networking. Meraki offers a complete cloud managed product family including wireless LAN, Ethernet switches, Security appliances, and mobile device management, all built to simplify the challenges of modern, device and application-centric networks. Meraki is trusted by over 10,000 customers worldwide.
Through Ocean Technology’s partnership with Cisco Meraki, we make networking simpler, therefore, reducing our client's expenditure when it comes to the supply, deployment, and management of wireless and data networking services. Further to this Cisco Meraki’s value-packed products provide ‘all-in-one’ niche services such as WAN Optimisation, Mobile Device Management and Application traffic shaping to name just a few!
If you are looking to implement or learn more about Cisco Meraki kindly contact us. We supply, install and manage all the Cisco Meraki suite of Wireless, Security and Networking products.

We Do more than just merely safeguard your data
September 2014
Regardless of industry, location or size, if you are a company operating in Libya and relying on effective technology for your day-to-day operations, you are vulnerable to face the unthinkable in your IT environment, this has brought Disaster Recovery Plans and Disaster Recovery Planning to the fore, the last unpleasant events in Tripoli and Benghazi illuminated deficiencies in many Disaster Recovery Plans,Ocean Technology is consulting to clients and others who are designing new or updating existing Disaster Recovery Plans to ensure that the real world lessons learned are properly incorporated into future plans.
Predicting the future is impossible, but preparing for what could come your way is easier than ever. Let us show you how a reliable business continuity planning and disaster recovery solution can help you achieve more today.

Libyans finally had their new biometric passport
Ocean Technology was ready, willing and able to do what had to be done
August 2013
The Libyan government had officially first unveiled the country’s new biometric passport, along with the completion of the national identity number system back on February 2013, by end of the same year many Libyans on social media were excited to see the passport project’s completion.
Beyond the scenes of that Media-Hype and While the Berlin-based German company, Bundesdruckerei were taking the necessary measures to transfer the equipment and machinery necessary for the project from Germany to the Libyan Passports authority’s headquarters in the Salah Al-Deen district of Tripoli, Ocean technology and its’ partners were taking on charge restoring and commissioning the IP network of the main data center and the rest of issuing sites,which spread all over the country in more than twenty two locations , while mentoring and job shadowing the passport Authority and National ID teams to self-carry on with the rest of locations .
And now, we are seeing how the technology, whether it is in the most indirect way or not, is actually bringing the world together, via the use of the biometric passport, and hopefully bringing peace and harmony with it as well, check the link below to see why we think of such :

Making IT Simple
Three Industry Leaders, One Shared Infrastructur.
May 2013
As an Ocean Technology potential Client, you can have access to a powerful solution that was developed by Cisco and NetApp, two leaders in enterprise networking, compute, and storage, that have come together to develop a simplified, scalable, and flexible solution to support virtualized and private cloud environments. This collaboration has resulted in more efficient virtualization and cloud computing solutions and numerous jointly validated reference architectures.
FlexPod is well-suited for a variety of workload environments, including enterprise-critical applications such as Microsoft® SQL Server, Exchange, SharePoint, and Hadoop. For example, a base FlexPod configuration can support 1,500 users for these four popular workloads simultaneously: virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), Microsoft Exchange, SharePoint, and SQL Server. Ocean Technology’s proposed solution provides sufficient headroom for additional workloads
Other key metrics that show this FlexPod momentum include 4,000 customers growing at almost 100% annually, 1,000 global resellers, 100 Premium resellers, over 100 customer references, over 80 published success stories, and 70 validated design publications. check the link below to see the how Citrix ,the third gaint industry leader to join making of FlexPod is boasting about the solution,staring Charles Barkley !